We are fully committed to investing our time, resources, and capital to continuously improve our sustainable performance. We will lead by example in our daily efforts and continuously seek innovative ways to achieve our sustainability goals.
At Silgan Plastics we look at sustainability holistically, from materials, to packout & disposal. There are a multitude of ways that we can meet your individual goals. Let us help find the right one for you.

Raw Materials
Recyclable, Reusable or Compostable
Renewable Resources
No Hazardous Material

Energy, Water and Waste
Renewable Energy
Minimal Emissions

Packing & Distribution
Local Supply
Minimal Packing Material
Maximim Shipping Efficiency

Design & Use
Reduced Material
Cube Optimization
Differentiated Experiences
Consumer Education

Closed Loop
Operational Efficiency
Energy Dashboard
Silgan Plastics utilizes an “Energy Dashboard” to monitor its ongoing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for all of our facilities. The dashboard allows us to see plant-by-plant data on a monthly basis, with unit conversions for global communication.
Long-Term Sustainability
In addition to monitoring energy consumption at our facilities, Silgan Plastics is also interested in reducing energy use and has created a Sustainability Target to demonstrate our commitment to long-term sustainability.

Optimized Footprint
We are always looking for ways to better align with the needs of our customers. One of these ways is optimizing our environmental footprint. By doing so, we help to minimize freight costs and improve the overall efficiency of the supply chain.
- Acquisition of Portola in 2013 gave us manufacturing capabilities in western North America
- Greenfield facility completed in 2016 in North East, PA for strategic customer near-site
- Greenfield facility completed in 2016 in St. Louis, MO provides centrality and multiple shipping routes
Recycling & Waste Management
When possible, plastic scrap from molding is either reused or sold. We only use resins that can be reclaimed in today’s recycling streams. We can also utilize up to 100% scrap in our processes dependent on package requirements.
For example, all of our PP scrap is sold to another company that utilizes the material in paint cans. Additionally, some of our HDPE scrap is sold for use in drainage piping.
With many of our customers, Silgan Plastics has instituted reusable secondary packaging programs for tier sheets, pallets, reusable totes, etc. The program allows for these materials to be used multiple times before final disposal, creating less landfill waste.

ESG Reporting
Silgan Plastics discloses its business-related CO2 emissions on an annual basis through the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). CDP is a global non-for-profit organization, providing the only natural capital disclosure system. More than 4,500 companies from over 80 countries complete the annual report in order to measure, track, and create accountability for positive change in the world of business and investment.

Silgan Plastics utilizes the CDP report in order to better understand our commercial and representational risks and opportunities as they relate to climate change. By reporting on our greenhouse gas emissions, covering Scope 1 and 2, we can better track and work on reducing our energy usage, meeting our customers’ needs for transparency and risk mitigation.

Additionally, Silgan Plastics is independently measured and scored, not just for sustainability, but for overall Environmental, Social Governance (ESG) via EcoVadis.