Does Your Package Meet Sustainability Requirements?

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In case you haven’t heard, there are an increasing number of sustainability requirements in place with major retailers and state & local governments.  So many different initiatives are being proposed or are already in place that it can be difficult to keep up!  No worries – Silgan Plastics is here to help keep you up to speed and offer solutions to meet your needs!

For years now, California has led the way in sustainability, requiring a minimum of 25% recycled content in plastic packaging.  Many states are following suit, proposing legislation mandating minimum recycled content in packaging and limiting or banning single-use plastic packaging altogether.  Now, mass retailers have taken a stand and have also issued their own mandates, the largest being Walmart which requires 100% recyclable, reusable, or industrially-compostable packaging in all Private Brands by 2025.  Amazon and Target are among the many other retailers pushing for recycled content in packaging.

The good news with all of this is that our Penn Yan product range can help you satisfy all of these requirements!  First things first – none of our items are considered single-use.  Our packages are meant to stay on your shelf or in your cabinet for quite some time.  You are not going to go through a full bottle of shampoo or a jar of lotion at one time.  Secondly, labeled with the #1 code on or near the bottom of bottles and containers, PET is the most widely recycled plastic in the world. It is considered 100% recyclable and is collected at every material recovery facility in US and Canada.

It is clear, durable, chemically inert, eco-friendly, and lightweight, which allows for the manufacture of large but light containers that are strong and safe. All those clear bottles you see around – water, soda, salad dressing, peanut butter, mouthwash, and beyond; not only are a popular choice because of their clarity, but they are also 100% recyclable! The use of recycled PET in place of virgin resin typically results in reduced energy consumption, lower cost, and reduced environmental impact.  You can be assured that PET is a great choice for your package.

While PET is a great material to start off with, it is easily recyclable, making PCR (post consumer recycled) an additional option we can offer.  Products manufactured from PCR require fewer natural resources compared to virgin resin and are still recyclable which makes them an eco-friendly option.  Silgan Plastics has led the market and has been producing bottles with up to 100% PET PCR for over 20 years!.  We offer both food grade and non-food grade PET PCR options, depending on your need, sourcing from multiple qualified sources.  We also work closely with our customers to help them meet regulatory or OEM preferred sustainability initiative goals.

Let us help you meet your sustainable packaging goals! Give us a call today! 1.800.2SILGAN (274.5426)